How Long Do I Wait to Take the Gre Again

One question that I hear all the fourth dimension from GRE students is, "How many times can yous take the GRE?" Notwithstanding, at that place is an equally of import question that students thinking near taking the GRE multiple times should consider: How many times should you take the GRE?

In this commodity, I'll answer all of the most common questions about retaking the GRE and discuss pros and cons of taking the GRE multiple times.

how many times can you take the GRE

First, let's look at the number of times test-takers are allowed to sit for the GRE.

  • How Many Times Can You Accept the GRE?
  • How Often Tin can Y'all Have the GRE?
  • How Many Times Should Yous Take the GRE?
  • What Are the Consequences of Taking the GRE Multiple Times?
  • Should You Keep Retaking the GRE?

How Many Times Can You Take the GRE?

The short reply to this question is that yous tin can take the GRE an unlimited number of times. As I'll discuss later on in this article, at that place are a few reasons why you probably wouldn't want to keep retaking the GRE over and over over again, but the fact is, you have the option to do and so. There is no lifetime limit on the full number of times a person can sit for the GRE, whether for the General Test, a Subject area Test, or any combination of the 2 (though for the purposes of this article, nosotros will focus on the GRE General Test).

There are, however, some limitations and waiting periods related to retaking the test — we'll review all of those shortly. First, it's important to be enlightened of what counts as a GRE try and what will not exist recorded as a test attempt. Let'due south take a look.

  • If you cancel your GRE score from an test, that exam DOES nevertheless count as a GRE attempt. Whatever time you sit for an bodily GRE exam, whether at dwelling or at a test heart, the exam try counts.
  • If you cancel your GRE examination engagement, that canceled examination does Non count every bit an exam attempt because you did not actually sit for the exam.
  • If yous are a no-show on exam day (you did not cancel your GRE, but you did non show upward for your test date), that exam does NOT count as a GRE attempt because yous did not actually sit for the exam.

Basically, whatsoever fourth dimension you actually sit for the GRE, regardless of what you do with your test scores or where yous accept the test, it counts. And, any time yous don't really sit for the GRE, it doesn't count. Makes sense, right?

Primal FACT:

In that location is no lifetime limit on the total number of times a person can sit for the GRE, whether for the General Test, a Subject Examination, or whatsoever combination of the two.

Now, although in that location is no limit on the total number of times yous can take the GRE, in that location is a limit on the number of times you can take the examination within a certain menstruum. Let's discuss that adjacent.

How Oft Can You lot Have the GRE?

Test-takers are allowed to retake the GRE no more than 5 times inside whatsoever continuous 365-day period. Furthermore, you must wait at least 21 days to retake the GRE, regardless of how many times yous've taken it in the concluding 365 days (annotation that GRE Bailiwick Tests are offered only three times per year, so you cannot take those every 21 days). These rules apply even if you canceled your GRE scores from a previous examination. Remember, a GRE attempt still counts if you abolish your test scores from that effort.

Note also that the at-home GRE and GREs administered at test centers share the same annual count. And then, regardless of where you lot sit for the examination, you still accept to look 21 days for your retake, and you cannot exceed 5 attempts within the rolling i-year period.


Yous retake the GRE every 21 days just cannot exceed 5 GRE attempts within a consecutive 365-24-hour interval flow.

And so, let'south say that you lot fabricated your first GRE attempt on March 15, 2021. Conceivably, you could sit for the GRE every 21 days and reach your annual limit of five attempts by the stop of June. At that indicate, you would have to look until March 16, 2022 to make endeavour number half dozen. Of grade, this scenario is highly unlikely, and I wouldn't recommend taking this kind of approach to the exam, for several reasons that we'll soon discuss. The important thing to note right now is that, if you need to retake the GRE, you don't accept to do so in 21 days just because you have the option to. Whether you're gearing up for your beginning GRE attempt or your fifth, ideally, you should take the test only when yous feel fully prepared to hit your score goal.


Whether y'all're gearing upwards for your kickoff GRE attempt or your fifth, ideally, y'all should have the exam only when you feel fully prepared to hit your score goal.

Now that y'all know how many times and how frequently you can take the GRE, you may exist wondering whether graduate schools view applicants who have taken the GRE more than once unfavorably.

How Many Times Should Y'all Take the GRE?

The fact of the matter is, many test-takers sit down for the GRE more than in one case and even retake the GRE multiple times. So, there is no shame in having to retake the GRE. In fact, when selecting GRE examination dates with your application deadlines in mind, yous should gene in a cushion of time for retaking the test at least one time (if not twice). When it comes to the GRE, a wise motto to live by is, "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."

If upon hearing all this yous're withal nervous that grad schools might view your awarding unfavorably if you take the GRE multiple times, I have good news for you: graduate schools never take to know y'all've taken the GRE more than once. ETS, the maker of the GRE, offers test-takers an choice called ScoreSelect, which allows yous to ship just your nigh recent score to schools. So, if you lot have low test scores from previous GRE attempts, or you simply don't want schools to know that you've taken the GRE more than once, yous can go on that information private. (To read more about the ScoreSelect option, check out this handy guide to sending your GRE scores to schools.)

With all of this said, if yous've already sent GRE scores to schools and end up retaking the test and sending out additional test scores to those same schools, I don't want you lot to panic. Grad schools know that many (if non most) students end up taking the GRE more once, and in general, schools will pay attention only to your highest score.

Think about it: would information technology make much sense for schools to penalize students for trying again and successfully improving? Not really. So, if yous call back y'all can improve your score, there is no reason not to give the test another shot, fifty-fifty if you've already sent past GRE scores to schools.


If possible, schedule your kickoff GRE so that you lot'll take enough time before your awarding deadlines to prepare further and retake the GRE once or twice if necessary.

And then, the simple reply to the question of how many times y'all should take the GRE is that y'all should take it as many times every bit yous demand to in order to reach your score goal. Even so, there are some serious points to consider about retaking the GRE multiple times. Let's discuss those at present.

What Are the Consequences of Taking the GRE Multiple Times?

Although graduate schools never have to know that y'all've taken the GRE more than than one time, in that location are some consequences of retaking the test multiple times. For ane, the GRE is non exactly inexpensive for most people. From prep materials and practise tests to test registration and score reporting fees, GRE expenses can rack upward pretty quickly. While some of those expenses represent a necessary investment in your future, others are avoidable if you program alee and have a smart strategy.

In particular, exam registration is one of the biggest fees that GRE examination-takers incur, then avoiding unnecessary retakes is fundamental if you're hoping to go on costs low. For example, imagine you're the student from our before example who takes the GRE 5 times in one year. Without taking into account whatsoever other GRE expenses, you will have spent more than $1,000 on the GRE! On the other hand, if you give yourself time to study for the GRE until you are truly prepared to sit for the test, rather than rely on your power to retake the GRE over and over, y'all can put that coin toward other things — moving expenses for graduate schoolhouse, for instance.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the process of preparing for the GRE and actually sitting for the exam is both time-consuming and, let's face up it, pretty stressful. Learning GRE content, honing your examination-taking skills, and tackling a almost iv-hour exam are mentally and physically taxing experiences that demand difficult work and sacrifice. Early on mornings and late nights of studying, weekends hitting the books instead of hanging out with friends, less fourth dimension with your family — preparing for GRE even one time can accept a huge impact on your daily life, for months at a time. And so, while a few GRE attempts may be manageable, taking the GRE numerous times isn't very applied, particularly if your schedule is already packed with work and other responsibilities.

Bated from gobbling upwards a lot of your time and energy — fourth dimension and energy you could be putting toward, say, completing your grad school applications — retaking the GRE over and over once more and seeing little or no improvement in your score can exist pretty demoralizing. At a certain point, each retake could become another hit to your confidence, and somewhen yous may even see your GRE scores subtract as a result.

And then, fifty-fifty if your budget isn't a concern, you should absolutely aim to hit your score goal on your starting time GRE attempt and do everything in your ability to prepare yourself to exercise and so. Moreover, make sure that y'all're setting your GRE exam dates based not on arbitrary timelines (such every bit a 21-solar day waiting period) only on your readiness to reach your score goal.

Let'southward discuss these of import considerations a little further.


The best style to avoid unnecessary retakes is to make sure that yous fix your examination dates based non on arbitrary timelines but on your readiness to reach your score goal.

Should You Keep Retaking the GRE?

At a certain indicate, all GRE examination-takers who have yet to hit their score goals must consider the police force of diminishing returns. Familiarity with the examination can certainly work to your reward, and yous may very well experience less nervous about the examination-taking experience if you've been through it earlier. Simply if you've taken the GRE multiple times and have even so to hitting your score goal, at some signal you have to stop and ask yourself whether retaking the test over and once again is really the answer.

Information technology'due south truthful that even well-prepared test-takers may not striking their score goals on their first or second (or even third) GRE endeavor. But if all yous're doing is preparing for the GRE in the aforementioned mode you've ever prepared, using the aforementioned prep materials and strategies you lot've always used, then why would GRE attempt number four be any different from attempt number 3 or 2? As I mentioned before, you may fifty-fifty end up condign more than and more drawn and frustrated by additional GRE attempts, causing your test operation to endure and taking you lot fifty-fifty further from your goal.

To avoid that scenario — or if you lot're currently in this very state of affairs — it's important to ask yourself some fundamental questions. Outset and foremost, are you hit your score goal on full-length, official GRE practice tests? If non, and so you probably aren't ready to retake the GRE. 2d, if you've taken the GRE a few times already and are preparing for another retake, accept you adjusted your exam prep in any way? Sought out new prep materials that are more comprehensive or better suited to your needs? Increased the number of hours you study for the GRE each week, implemented more than consistent written report hours, or looked into more than efficient ways to study for the GRE, if whatever of those bug have plagued your test prep?

The point is, if yous are seriously worried that afterwards several GRE attempts, you still may not exist prepared to reach your goal, you need to stop and take a difficult look at how you lot are preparing for the GRE, and make some adjustments before y'all schedule whatever further exams.


If you are not hitting your score goal on full-length, official GRE practice tests, then y'all probably aren't gear up to retake the GRE.

For tips and strategies to aid you reach your score goal every bit efficiently as possible, cheque out this article on how to earn a 330+ on the GRE.


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