Funny Songs About Quitting Your Job

Jobs suck. It doesn't matter how good you have it—even the hotel testers and pro gamers of the world have their moments of professional frustration. But for most of us, simply having to show up and complete tasks assigned by a superior is enough to provoke low-level insanity.

It gets better—that's the idea, at least. Your first jobs are supposed to really suck, then things get better as you age and can shunt responsibilities onto other, younger souls. But if you're one of those younger souls, make sure you quit at least one shitty job in your lifetime. It's instant freedom—and instant anxiety, but that comes a little later. Euphoria and adrenaline come first, and it's good to have some music on hand to funnel that energy into the right channels. Here are some songs to play right after you quit your job.

  • Kanye West - "Can't Tell Me Nothin"

    Be honest, you were the Kanye West of your job. Your employer was trying to marginalize you the entire time, they did not understand your value, and you were constantly pushed to the side. You're the real rockstar at work, and it's been like that for a minute. It's time for you to walk in, uncork a Kanye-level "stream of consciousness," speech and then speed off blasting the only song that understands your mood, "Can't Tell Me Nothing."


    For a group of wildly creative twenty somethings, it's to be expected that Brockhampton would have a lot of attitude. "Boogie," however, might be their wildest in that regard. Just like the opener on the first Saturation album, "Heat," this is a song that'll instill listeners with a reckless disregard for their own safety.

    The chorus, which spits in the face of anything in the way, makes this an anthem all about getting back up after getting knocked down. It helps that there's a lot of liberating lines in the verses, too, with Matt Champion and Joba's ferocious but brief contributions standing out in particular.

  • Hudson Mohawke - "Scud Books"

    Quitting a job isn't easy to do. As fed up as you might be with your daily routine, it takes courage (and an exit plan) to walk up to your boss and say, "I'm out." The trick is to feel invincible before, during, and after that moment.

    Get there with Hudson Mohawke's "Scud Books" playing through your headphones—bonus points if you still have the headphones on when you deliver the message. The triumphant synths and monstrous drums are the perfect soundtrack for a grand exit. After all, the world is yours now.

  • Beyoncé - "Irreplacable"

    Often times, leaving a job that you hate feels like getting out of a toxic relationship. The chorus of this classic will give you to motivation you need to GTFO and never look back. Know your worth!

  • Jay Z - "99 Problems"

    You've got 99 problems, but your job isn't one anymore. Any grievances that you may have had about your job or your co-workers can be neatly packaged in Jay-Z's classic. If you just change the lyrics a little ("I'm like, 'Fuck bosses, you can kiss my whole asshole / If you don't like my work ethic, you can go straight to hell,'" for example). When you've finally said goodbye, let Rick Rubin's raucous, no-holds-barred production and Hov's pugnacious mindset guide you.

  • Death Grips - "Hacker"

    There's plenty of energy to be found in every Death Grips album, but few of their songs are as frantic as "Hacker." The closer to their breakthrough album The Money Store, "Hacker" is full of ridiculous, chaotic lyrics that come about as close to word riot as possible. "You'll catch a jpeg to the head," MC Ride screams right at the beginning to the second verse, whatever that means. There are so many strange, quotable lines, that it makes for the perfect manic declaration of freedom. If you're fresh out of a hellish job, yelling the song's menacing hook will fill you with life.

  • Drake - "Worst Behavior"

    No one is better at making you turn a blind eye to a questionable decision you've made than Drake. So it would be a crime to not listen to the 6 God himself after erasing your only source of income. These are the moments Drake was made for.

    Most people quit their jobs and immediately rush home to their laptops to fix their résumés and try and find a new gig. Some of these chumps even have new jobs lined up before they even quit their current one! Real bosses are never that eager to jump back on the hamster wheel. Quit that shitty job, turn "Worst Behavior" all the way up, and go run your bank account into the negative.

  • Travis Scott - "Antidote"

    Travis Scott wouldn't be working your shitty-ass job. You know what Travis Scott would do if his manager assigned him the weekend shift four times in a row? He'd flip the fuck out. He'd march right down to that manager's back office, throw open the door, and say, "Hey Janice, I'm overboard and over-patient. Next time you need that Saturday shift filled, I'll be at the night show." Or something.

  • Rage Against The Machine - "Killing In The Name"

    First off, let's not diminish the value of Rage Against The Machine's "Killing in the Name." The song boldly calls out police brutality and institutional racism, and it came just months after the LA riots. It's one of the most intense anti-establishment anthems of its decade, and its message is as powerful as it sounds. The song's importance should not be undermined by the fact that its visceral nature makes you want to throw a chair out the window and scream at the top of your lungs while you take a shit on your boss' desk. That being said, the song really does make you want to throw a chair out the window and scream at the top of your lungs while you take a shit on your boss' desk.

  • Princess Nokia - "G.O.A.T."

    "G.O.A.T." is perfect for when you're in need of some positive reinforcement. Princess Nokia goes crazy on this one, unleashing an iconic, bassy delivery over an old Run-DMC sample. In those first few hours after you quit, it's important to remember that you, too, are the G.O.A.T. Because you don't need a boss when you are a boss.

  • White Stripes - "We're Going To Be Friends"

    And sometimes you just have to go back to school for the summer. Or you got a better offer, but you've made a lot of great memories in this linoleum square, and want to leave on good terms. So pick up some sugary treats for your former co-workers, pen a heartfelt goodbye email with a couple of silly gifs, and throw some flower petals in the air as you walk out to Jack and Meg's doe-eyed classic.

  • Scarlxrd - "Heart Attack"

    Scarlxrd's "Heart Attack" builds up slowly. It starts with 30 seconds of suspense, and it feels like the five years you've been sitting at your desk, staring at the back of your boss' head thinking of all the things you're going to yell when you finally snap. When the song kicks in with a fierce delivery and militant bass drums, it's truly gratifying.

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